Sunday, May 18, 2008

Common Denominator

There was a worship song on in our van. The chorus sang over and over the same repeated line: "I want to be the one who holds You high!"
The words were not clear enough for Kiki to hear and she thought they were saying something else. She asked, "Mom, why are they singing, 'I want to be the one who tells you how'?"
It struck us all as funny to think of a crowd full of worshipers singing, "I want to be the one who tells You how!"
And isn't that the root of the problem? Of ALL our problems? Being the boss of God and telling HIM how it's gonna be, how it should be, or asking why isn't it how we want it to be? I think Kiki hit on something.

And here's little Boss girl herself. Flipping her hair and looking like she's doing a pirouette. Being the oldest, she's living out that phrase only too well...


4HMom said...

THis photo is gorgeous. The scenery could be out of a scene from EMMA when they walk through the landscape and the subject is gorgeous, too. So graceful and beautiful. She doesn't look bossy at all from this angle.