(This is Trisha's recipe. Her's LOOKS and tastes good. We have to settle for tastes good)

But, Greyson thought he was well enough to weed the backyard. (This is how we get rid of our dandelions in the back. It works like magic!)

And afterward, he felt like this:

Kiki came home sick, and felt like this:

Sawyer and Tristan weren't allowed outside while Greyson was mowing, and obeyed like this:

And afterward they invented a new game. It was called the, lets-throw-things-over-the-hedge-into-the-neighbors-yard-so-they-can-be-even-more-annoyed-with-us game.
I came out and found Sawyer doing this:

The ball that didn't make it over:

And Tristan listing all the things that did make it over: a bottle, some wood, a few rocks, a duck, Daisy's toy....
So after all this drama and sickness, I think we'll move on to Plan B.
Pie for some, and bed for all.
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