Monday, April 12, 2010

The Whole World's Coming Up Roses






Oh, they've needed this.

For a long time.

But Daddy wasn't too keen on it for several years because he thought it was too dangerous. Suddenly he changed his mind.  Kiki was so happy she made this cake to thank him:

Complete with a demonstration of the reservations Daddy use to have.

And this.

We love our new trampoline.


H said...


4HMom said...

hilarious ideas of kiki's with the lego kids having been bounced off the trampoline!

Cherie said...

I'm soooooooooooo excited for the kids, and for you! I want to see some pictures of you on the trampoline too. I've been telling Rick we need one too!

Have fun kiddos!!!

Betsy said...

Me and trampolines go waaaayyy back! Joe always had one....they're good for stuntmen! We still have one.
I got saved on a trampoline.
Kevin rigged up a slip-n-slide up on the tramp, hosed it down, then slid off the tramp and hit his head on a sprinkler head. That was a trip to the emergency room!
So, no slip-n-slides on the tramp, okay???

Missy said...

I remember that saving story! I can tell that trampolines would be excellent for stunt men, I can SO tell. The boys expend so much energy, and if it weren't for rules, they'd be flipping out all over the place. I wish they had a real stunt man to show them how.