Saturday, April 3, 2010

They've Always Wanted a Treehouse

Doesn't every kid?  

So Tristan made one.

It made me wonder what else could have happened if we'd had these boards earlier in his life.

Sawyer was too small to navigate the tricky path it took to sit on these boards, but he didn't seem to mind.
He's either completely at home with the world, or taking evasive action against boards dropping from the sky.

I think the former.

With Sawyer, no state of being lasts long.  I'm across the yard, snapping away, waiting to see if anything transpires.

Oop, looks like something might be going on here...

What could that look mean? How did he even know I was taking pictures of him?

From this... this, in a matter of seconds.  

It's so hard, being a Sawyer.


Still Enjoying the Journey said...

I love reading your posts! It has been a while since I have stopped by to visit ... and well ... today was a perfect day to get caught up! I laughed, giggled and smirked at some of the things your interesting posts reminded or taught me! Thank you for sharing your world with me ... :)

Missy said...

Aw, shucks. That means a lot coming from a great communicator like you!