Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lessons from a Couch

I never guessed that part of God's plan for me would be to stop doing the things I thought He created me to do. I am a wife and a mother.
I do laundry.
I cook.
I clean.
I cart.
I teach.
I host.
I help.
I partner.
And now...I stop.
I rest.
I sit.
I lay.
I cry.
I watch the things I used to do go on without me. And I ponder verses like:

"In Thy book, they were all written, the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them." Psalm 139:16

"Behold, I have refined you, But not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction". Isaiah 48:10

And I pray.  I pray for people like the young wife I know who is incapacitated by disease. Her hopes of being a homemaker and vigorous help to her new husband are replaced with waiting to get well and watching him serve her.
And I marvel that part of God's perfect plan for us is giving up everything we thought we were supposed to be, and becoming who He intended us to be through waiting and not doing.
And I see.
I see that "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him". Job 13:15  I used to say. But now I see.
And I plead for those whom God has designed to sit and wait.


4HMom said...

POOREST TINY MEEPS!!!! We will pray. What else can we do? What time is your appt tomorrow? Tell Kiki I KNOW she can be your hands and feet while you are down and that she can practice letting the law of kindness rule her mouth as she deligates. Order them all to your side to receive hugs from me through you, please, then tell them I've requested they give you hugs from me, too.

Missy said...

It's okay, it really is, because He is in control.
The appointment is at 2:00.
The kids are doing almost everything!
I'll go do the hugs now...

Betsy said...

What's wrong, Missy?

feauti - Narrow is the gate to true beauty and few that find it.

Missy said...

It's called Post Viral Syndrome, from a lung infection back in December, it's gone, but the healing is taking several months to a year. Like mono would.