Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Important Public Service Announcement

To all trampoline owners and those who jump on neighbor's trampolines:  Look closely at the warning signs posted on the trampoline pad.  Do you know what this one means?  Well, luckily we have Sawyer to interpret it for us.  Are you ready?  The above sign means-- "No Humans Allowed".

Thank you, Sawyer, for clearing that up for us.  The world will surely be a safer place.

I'm afraid non-humans aren't off the hook either. Only those non-somersaulting, non-shoe wearing and non-offspring bearing are welcome.

And please leave your knives and cigarettes behind.
Thank you.


Harrison said...

HAHAHA. Thanks for clearing that up, Sawyer. I totally thought it meant "No using a trenchcoat to cover up that you have four people on the trampoline at once". The bulge of the person's clothes makes it look like there's more than one person there.

Missy said...

THAT'S what it is. I just now saw the trench coat. I didn't know WHAT it was supposed to be.