He could. But that wasn't good enough for him.
"Mom, I wish there was another day."
"Like what?"
"Oh, like, like...um...like Nunday"
"What would you do on Nunday?"
"That would be the day I go at the Indoor Skateboard Park and learn a lesson. Everytime. Can we do that, can we?"
YES, we'll go next Nunday. And every Nunday after that. (because the Skateboard place he is talking about is several miles away and expensive)
I would like a Nunday too. But on my Nunday, none of the regular stuff in life would happen and all the stuff you were behind in would magically get caught up.
What would your Nunday be?
my nunday would be like our homeschool review days, where there were no NEW assignments, only time to review and finish late assignments, I guess basically like YOUR Nundays, Meeps.
"stshled" -- Mom: WHAT HAPPENED???!!!! Stunned, shivering kid in snow clothes, with bloody lip: . . .mumblemumblemumble STSHLED!!!"
My Nunday would be when there was absolutely NUTIN that "Had" to be done. A day of Nutin but fun with the kids and the money to do all the fun things we want, and of course there would be NO school or even thought of school or homework.
Isn't Nunday the day the kids in Catholic School have to bring a gift to their teacher?
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