"Mom! Where's the icepack?"
"Try the stove."
I tried to put the icepack in the stove today. Can I use the excuse that I was sleep deprived? I was using the ice pack in a wool sock around my throat. One of Grannies's Cures. I thought it might help me sleep.
It didn't.
I took it off in the dark and laid it precariously on my bedside table by the kleenex and cough drops and glass of water and the plate of toast Greyson had tried to soothe me with.
Halfway through the night I heard a curious sliding sound and then a loud plop.
You know when you're are only half-awake and you tell yourself you'll figure it out in the morning?
I forgot.
The wool sock covered icepack was under the bed and there it lay forgotten. That's where I found it today.
I know where to put this. I bustled into the kitchen feeling so good for getting things done.
This is where I tried to put it.
But in my defense, see how the drawer slides out?
Now look at this.....
Curiously similar.
And I think my case is bolstered on the basis of proximity...
See how close they are?
One pulls out--the other pulls out.
One holds...frozen things, the other holds pots and pans.
Amana--Whirlpool (Whirlpool owns Amana, by the way)
It's a mistake anyone could have made.
It was a long trip from under the bed to the freezer, but he made it.
Doesn't he look at home there amongst the frozen peas?
Poor little icepack.
But it does state it's a hot and cold pack, anyway.
Another GREAT one, Meeps.
potalli - the total, at the end of the day, of exactly how many potatoes you ate.
I was just checking my comment again to be sure I told you how great your comedy is in this post, and it had another great verification word:
"Zoothro" -- Jethro's stuffed monkey.
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