Or ever shall be.
But I'm trying to get the hang of this thing.

Hot spot on the head. Face too dark.
Should I toggle the dynamic focus area to a1CFM mode?

Hmmm. I don't even know what's wr0ng with this one. Or what I did.
Except I'm sure that dollop of whip cream shouldn't be there.

This is a nice view.
Can't even see his face, but you could guess the expression. I like the attitude it conveys. Of course, I did not take this shot.
Daddy did.

Aren't my children nice to let me practice on them?
It also enhances natural expression to say something like, "I need to practice shooting you". They feel off the hook and relax. There's no pressure to perform.

Same for this static image.
No pressure, little Snake.

This could be a really art-sy way of saying her favorite presents were American Girl and look how much she got--- or it could be reinforcing the principal that at least one eye should be in focus if the face of a person is included in the image.
Does it bother you?
Maybe I'm reading too many photography books.
He got me four. Not including the manual that came with the camera itself. I haven't looked at that one yet.

This is a nice girly picture with the polka-dot pajamas and the stuffies all snuggled together.
She brought her most valuable stuffies with her because Daisy likes to sneak a select few off of her bed and systematically disembowel them to wheedle away her bordom while we're gone.
Poor Daisy, home alone.
Daddy imitates his best Daisy voice whenever "I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You" comes on the radio. He sings it in Kiki's ear to torment her.

Even though Daisy is a whole country away from us, Daddy put up a surprise stocking for her on Christmas Eve. Kiki woke up to find a Daisy present in it.

This framing reminds me of the kind they use for Elementary School shots. Except there's no funky marble blue background, and no weird cowlick in his hair.
Okay, I'm going to go try and catch my breath.
Outside the snow is melting and the ground is sodden.
Inside the wee ones are melting their eyes away on Disney TV.
There's shots to be found all around....
LLLLLLLLLLLL Loved the WRITING. Don't know anything about photography, but those are ALL great photos, to me. Must be a really good camera PLUS your knowledge about how to use it.
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