Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where They Get It....

I finally figured out why my boys are bouncing off the walls. It's been trained into them from an early age.
You'll notice the game they made up after playing with Daddy was let-me-swing-you-around-until-you-knock-over-the-targeted-blue-plastic-chair. Next time it could be the tv.
This is why we will never be mistaken for composed, reserved, quiet and polite Canadians.
We're keeping the American reputation alive and well, way up north.


Darlene said...

So good to see and hear Todd in action. It reminds me of Abraham Lincoln holding his brother upside down and letting him make muddy footprints on the ceiling for a practical joke before they whitewashed it.

Darlene said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISSY! Can you post some birthday pictures?

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday, Missy? When was it? I'm sorry I don't know. But Happy Birthday!

Isn't it great that your kids have a fun dad? Mine do, too!

The first video won't play for me. I'll try again later. But I love the sitting on the ceiling one!