I wish it were. I'd like to have a big ol' draft horse on my lawn.
And a goat named Willy in my barn.
You know who'd like those things even more than me?
My girl. But at least she got to do the next best thing. She got to spend a week with them at Horse Camp.
Not alone. Caty from New Zealand treated her to the whole week.
Everyone got their own horse. Here is Marlo, Kiki's horse. It wasn't until a few days into Horse Camp that they told me Kiki was riding a horse with a disability. If Marlo falls asleep, he knocks himself out and falls flat on his face.
I'm glad they waited to tell me that, because, I might have worried.
This is Caty's horse, Maverick.
He stays awake. And stays standing as well. A sensible horse.
Kiki, what happened? Did Marlo take a nap and give you a dusting?
Caty is worse, what is going on here?!
Oh, it's the candy game. The finale to Horse Camp Week. Little gummy bear candies drowning in a communal sea of powdered sugar.
I remember breathing in some powdered sugar off of a doughnut once. I cough just thinking about it.

It's all over now. They'll wistfully wait until next year and another camp....
Narcoleptic horses and wheezable powdered sugar, can life get any better?
I submit that it cannot!
(name that comedian)
Brian Regan
I was thinking it was Seinfeld or that guy we watched on tape at Dan's house, but now that Heather mention's Regan, I can just hear him. Can't remember what he said it about.
Kiki is BEAUTIFUL. How nice that she got to go to camp with a friend. Cool memories she'll have. (Said Yoda??)
"Chlotio" the percentage of girls named "Chloe" in any group of students.
We used to love peanut butter… still do. I saw something in the store the other day that I don’t understand, that peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Is there a point to that? I mean I’m lazy, but... I wanna meet the guy who needs that. Some guy going, "You know I could go for a sandwich, but uh, I’m not gonna open TWO jars! I can’t be opening and closing all kinds of jars... cleaning, who KNOWS how many knives!?!" If you’re that lazy, why not put croutons in there and get the whole sandwich on a spoon. You know, just scoopin’ it out... "Mmm...Oh, scrumptious!! I think I’m gonna have another one. Uh, mmmmm... DELECTABLE!! As was the first!" Or if you don’t wanna clean the spoon, you put it all in a squeeze bottle. "Mmmm! Lunch and no clean up!! Can life get better? I submit that it CANNOT!!"
Brian Regan
I agree with 4HMom...Kiki IS beautiful! I've just been catching up with your family...I don't have the time I used to, but I'm lovin' it!
Cherie! I was wondering where you were, but you've got grandkids nearby. Much better than a blog!
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