Guess what tomorrow is?
It's Clean the House Day.
This is generally how they look when I tell them.
Even though we have cleaning the house down to a science, the announcement never fails to generate disbelief. It goes something like this:

"What?! Tomorrow? We just cleaned the house!"
Sawyer's job is dusting. He and Tristan do the tables, sills and heaters.
Sawyer also has to clean the foyer free of shoes.
And even though the job probably takes less than 15 minutes, the feelings it provokes could fill a whole hour--
In ev'ry job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job's a game!
And don't forget to whistle while you work, unless, of course, Mr. Derr is around. Whistling to him is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Drives him insane! Must be his perfect pitch.
And always remember to do your work heartily, as for the Lord.
Mary Poppins and Snow White? All these years I assumed your kids got their brains from Dennis, but now I'm thinking it's YOU. You remember eeeeeeverything!
Nothing like Disney to get you excited about housework!
I take no credit for brains!
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