Friday, August 28, 2009

The Office

They've set up an office in the hallway.

Tristan's is just beyond Sawyer's.
I'm not sure how they know what an office should consist of. The only one they've ever seen is Daddy's and he makes movies so it's not your typical office.
Let's see how well they did:

Keys, card pass, pen, scribbled notes, wallet, and a timer dial face.

Important documents, adding machine.

Envelopes, kaleidoscope, Rocks and Minerals Reference Guide, spare computer part.



Communicator watch, walkie-talkie,

Secret Journal.
Check, check, check.
Uh-oh. They've made a mistake on this last one. Unless it's from all those Spy shows they've seen...

He tried to take this to church yesterday. "Sawyer, you can't take a bridge to church."
"It's not a bridge, it's a gun."
Oh. In that case...



Betsy said...

I love your kid's imaginations!! Takes me back to the days when I loved make believe!

lippirm - they don't offer this service at my local salon. Yours? I've heard of curling your tongue, but your lips?? Weird! Piercings are bad enough!