Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Can't Find Madagascar

It was as I suspected.
Sawyer was not happy with his "baby" ABC worksheets. The rest of us were doing Geography with cool atlases and questions to answer about the length of Maine's coastline (did you know it's longer than California's?). Sawyer could not be bothered with tracing the letter B while all this was going on. A few minutes later I found him surrounded by books he had gathered to mimic ours. He was sighing in a dramatic fashion, "I can't find Madagascar!" he complained, as if it were an exhausting endeavor.

This is the book he was using for his research.
The Children's Bible. English Standard Version.


Betsy said...

Sawyer kills me! I wish I knew all your kids for reals, in person like.

defus - the act of becoming unfussy once you find Madagascar!

4HMom said...

lllllllllllllll SaWYER. llllllllllll Betsy.

gyrimsho - martial art using gyroscopic weapons

Missy said...

lllllllllll, you guys are so funny!