This is what they're doing, and this is what you hear:
"This is better, if you want to buy THIS, than you have to put, uh, this in there and you get one of these and this.-- OKAY, I'm buying a hotel, I'm buying a hotel-- and you also get to skip past go--who-hoo!!-- lowest card, did you put down a six-- there, you put it on that, and if I go on that then I have to give you, sixteen dollars!!-- yaaaaa!-- yahh, I win, I win, I win-I win-I win.-- four, five, six, seven-- DAISY! GO!-- she's a POOCH,--singing: give me the cards, give me the cards before I smack your little bum-- ok, all's in order-- you can't play here-- I"m not playing-- okay then get AWAY--I'm not playing-- AWAY stinky people!!!-- BUZZER'S RINGING!--Breaaaaaakfast!"
Flexibility is one of the beauties of home schooling.
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