This is what my kitchen table looks like right now.
There is a story behind each of these randomly placed items. Even though it looks like they were placed carefully and with purpose.
Guns on the table, guns on the floor. Guns on the couch cushions, and guns peaking out from under the bed.
I step on guns in the dark.
There used to be a day and age where you could say with impunity that your children were obsessed with weaponry. Boys howdy, times have changed. So, we'll just keep this between us, okay?
I'm not surprised that one of these random items was, a gun.
I am surprised to find gumballs here, they are usually rapidly consumed. The kids found a quarter at the park and treated themselves to 12 cents worth of candy each. In these french neighborhoods you can find a depanneur, or little house-turned-store right smack dab in the middle of your block. Ours caters to kids with sweaty nickles and packages treats just for their trade. You can also find eggs, bread, and all manner of household items you don't want to walk the extra block to the grocery store for.
Blueberries in a cup. I ate berries and cream today, with a little maple syrup drizzled on top. I never knew blueberries were made for maple syrup, but they are. Then I needed the colander to rinse strawberries so I dumped the blueberries in the cup I used to drizzle the maple syrup, thinking I'd eat some more later. And I am, as I type this.
This does not belong to us. Three boys are visiting and keeping my three boys completely occupied, that is why I can write a post about what is on my kitchen table.
This is the last one, I promise.
Sawyer never finishes his milk. Whoever clears the table has to leave the Sawyer cup where it sits so he will finish it later, but he never does. So it gets dumped out in the sink. Typing this out is making me realize how foolish this routine has become.
We should just leave the same glass of milk there all the time.
My fridge is too full to fit it in. Can you say your fridge is too full to fit a watermelon? Aren't we blessed in North America? Throwing milk down the drain and keeping big fat watermelons fridgeless.
so. What's on your kitchen table right now?
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