Seven children here, and I lie sick in bed. They had to make lunch and they documented it for me...
It takes two to make brownies. Everything is going smoothly until.....toing!
Only one small mishap.
Mission accomplished. Oh, and here is what the lunch looked like...
just after they finished prayer. Except for Sawyer's plate....
Sawyer's plate looked like this just after the blessing. I surmise closing his eyes and folding his hands was overlooked for the deliciousness set before him.
A while later I heard a commotion in the hallway. What are they doing, I wondered. I peeked out the bedroom door and found an office. I think it was a vet's office, or a hospital. Maybe both. Patients were coming and going, it was difficult to tell.
They had to confiscate things from all over the house to set up their very important workplace.
And if you needed a haircut after you got your broken arm set in a cast, the receptionist could set you right up for that....
First, pick your hairstyle....
Then sit down in the chair....
"Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly."
The look on his face says it all. You see this look a lot when a big sister is involved.
The whole group, polished and styled.
Little brothers so seldom experience what it's like to be pampered.
You're a sweet mom to let your kids have friends over while you're sick in bed. Yours is the fun house!
Well, lest I look too much like "the fun house" I'll just point out that I got sick after they were already here for an overnight babysitting time. But thanks for the confidence!
I want to play with your kids!!! They have so much fun! All I ever did was turn my tricycle upside down and pretend I was the ice cream man! Oh, and I loved dress up! My Daddy didn't call me Seven Dresses for nothing. And just about anything could be a microphone in my hands...
I guess I had SOME fun as a kid! But I'd still like to hear one of your kids singing, "See see my playmate, come out and play with me."
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