The Skatebox. In it's earliest, truest form.
Improving on the original, boxier design, a hybrid model quickly followed.
The early braking system was very crude.
And it was soon apparent that for any further pursuits, helmets would be necessary.
This is an instructional video. Notice the driver is the appropriate participant to yell the current status:
"Oh no, craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashhhhhhhing!"
Notice the second participant is the designated brake man, responding with reflex action to apply the more sophisticated braking system-- if you look closely you'll be able to see the updated design, the flap of cardboard pressed down upon the asphalt is much more efficient than the old manual system noted in the earlier photo.
Our session concludes with the Famous Last Words uttered by the designers of the Skatebox.
Big brothers the world over have adopted these Famous Last Words and it is now a big brother's most infamous saying:
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