Please check the following lists and see if I forgot anything.
Biggest annoyances of childhood:
Catching the back of your heel on the screen door
Sticky popsicle juice and no place to wash your hands
Dud firecrackers
Balloons too hard to blow up
Gum that lost its flavor after 45 seconds
Hitting your teeth on a pop bottle
Bazooka comic strips that you couldn’t understand
Plain slush left in the bottom after sucking a slushy dry
Being last
Getting your hair caught in a closing window
Waxy crayons
That panicky feeling of not having a hiding place in hide-n-go-seek
Getting hit with an iceball in a snowball fight
Cats that slid out from under your petting hand
Dogs that knocked you down
The kid holding the hose and spraying everybody
Tasting baking cocoa and feeling betrayed
Grasshoppers that flew drunkenly into your face
Finding out your brother ate all the chips
Breathing in powdered sugar
Falling on your tailbone
Biggest Annoyances of Adulthood
Customer service people that can't think outside the box
Waiting in line
Paper cuts
Dull potato peelers
Static cling
Losing the whole email you just composed
Stuck staples in a stapler
Low batteries
Weak flush toilets
Losing the cordless phone
Losing the tv remote
Waxy chap-stick
People who merge out of turn
How the smell of vanilla extract and its taste are polar opposites.
Clerks who act annoyed when helping you
Pens that won't write
Wearing socks and stepping in something wet
Recorded phone options when you need a live person
The copyright warning on dvds that you can't skip
A hair in the shower
Cats that slink out from under your petting hand
Finding out someone ate all the chips
Biggest Annoyances of Adulthood
Customer service people that can't think outside the box
Waiting in line

Paper cuts
Dull potato peelers
Static cling
Losing the whole email you just composed
Stuck staples in a stapler
Low batteries
Weak flush toilets
Losing the cordless phone
Losing the tv remote
Waxy chap-stick
People who merge out of turn
How the smell of vanilla extract and its taste are polar opposites.
Clerks who act annoyed when helping you
Pens that won't write
Wearing socks and stepping in something wet
Recorded phone options when you need a live person
The copyright warning on dvds that you can't skip
A hair in the shower
Cats that slink out from under your petting hand
Finding out someone ate all the chips
SO true!!
I tend to think you got 'em all!! Wow. Your brain is beautiful.
Ugh, speaking of Bazooka bubble gum comics... I saved and saved and saved and saved my comics til I had a BAZILLION and I finally sent them in for a Bazooka Bubble Gum T-Shirt (I was soooooo into T-Shirts when I was about 10 years old) and then FINALLY after waiting 6-8 weeks for delivery, my T-Shirt CAME IN THE MAIL and the next day I wore it to gymnastics (but I had to take it off for practice, of course, so I put it in my cubby hole with my bag and all that) and SOMEBODY STOLE IT!! You can't begin to imagine my disappointment, but I know the Lord was with me even then, because I didn't start devising a sinister plan of vengeance. Not that I knew who the perpetrator was.
So, perhaps you can include in your list, "Getting your long awaited awesome thing stolen right after you got it." *Sigh*
The wound has been re-opened. *sniff-sniffle*
:) Then again, I now own the fleece pull-over that this really hot guy* let me borrow on a missions trip to Berlin 10 years ago. That beats a Bazooka T-Shirt any day!! God's blessing abound!
*Now my husband
One of my biggest disappointments was when my mom tied my shoes really tight, and then in the middle of the day of walking around my sock slipped off my heel, and there was no way to fix it. Grrr.
Heather and I laughed and laughed at "that panicky feeling when you don't have a hiding place for hide-n-seek. :) EVERYONE knows that feeling. It's terrible.
POOR Cynthia (about that t-shirt)
Missy, you forgot that feeling you get when you've ridden your bike all the way to the dime store to buy a pet turtle and one block from home it gets bumped out of the open box in your bike basket and you run over it with your own bike tire. I always HATED when that happened.
I've never had a very good relationship with bike tires, when I think of it.
"Geongua" a name of a country you might invent as you doubletalk your way through answering one of the questions posed in the Miss America pageant.
cynthia, I can feel the hollow pit in my solar plexus, I really can. And I'm not just sayin'.
I like how your humor is subject to what's really true in God's eyes. That's been missing in my posts lately.
4HMom-Did you REALLY run over your own turtle? I knew you ran over your own ear, but a turtle? That you were bringing home to love and never let go? I can't read this first thing in the morning.
Heather- Who are you, if "Heather and I" laughed and laughed. Is it really Hayley? It's important to me to imagine the right kid with the sock slipping down and all.
Yes, THAT Heather was not me. It was Hayley
Our brother ran over my ear. I ran over my turtle. I bought it and asked for a box. The clerk at TG&Y gave me the top of a box that held greeting cards, wide, flat and shallow (the box, not the clerk). The boxtop was placed into the wide basket on the front of my handlebars. I hit a good bump on "Georgie Street" and the turtle popped into the air, came down and, as was the case years later, the back tire of the bicycle trecherously traversed in such a way to take out its terrapinous target. (In know, it's time to STOP!!!!)
I know that bump on Georgie street. Wasn't it your friend Kenny or somebody that ran over your ear?
Nope, it was Dan. But in a few years from now, since you've introduced confusion, I'll have to ask the kids their oldest memory of the story to figure out if it was Dan or someone named Kenny I already can't remember.
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