That'a great! I love how the boys stayed watching for the whole lullabye. It really lent credence to the whole assumption that the bunny normally would not put up with that, so it made the video OUTSTANDING! You didn't have to explain with words that the bunny would normally not let anyone do that.
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Quote of the Moment
I dare say, angels' pens, angels' tongues; nay, as many worlds of angels as there are drops of water in all the seas, and fountains, and rivers of the earth, cannot paint him out to you." - Samuel Rutherford
That'a great! I love how the boys stayed watching for the whole lullabye. It really lent credence to the whole assumption that the bunny normally would not put up with that, so it made the video OUTSTANDING! You didn't have to explain with words that the bunny would normally not let anyone do that.
Hey, Kiki, nice nails!
heh heh. If you touch his tummy, he'll whip around faster than grease on a mongoose.
I just made that saying up.
Nice new expression, Missy! I'll try and use it next time something happens quickly around here!
That lullaby made me anxious to hold my upcoming grandbaby! Come on Ellie! Kiki will make a most excellent mommy someday.
When's the due date, Betsy?!
I never knew that grease on a mongoose was even able to whip, let alone quickly.
"Faster than grease on a mongoose" should go down in the annals of things you've made up p on the spot with "you will be SNAPPED at!"
What are annals, anyway?
May 14th! It's coming up soon and very soon!
woohoo! keep us posted!
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