He thought long and hard on the deck plans.
And he finally figured it out for us.
And if you follow the plans exactly....
You can get something like this. See?
Easy as pie to interpret.
The upper deck is already being used.
They could be drawing up their own architectural plans.
They could be composing great and glorious prose.
But in reality, they're making Christmas lists. Sawyer is free from that burden, he already made his. Want to see it?

He came to me with these drawings and I wrote them down as he told me what they were.
I like the "pet". He was non-specific on this one, but I'll be looking for something along these lines: three toes, smiles a lot.

I LOVE Sawyer :)
LLLLLLL "three toes, smiles a lot" LLLLLLLLLLL
That list's a keeper!
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