Well. Here's what really happened--
We got caught on the bridge in a traffic jam while the show was quickly whizzing by without us. It w

It was the last class of the day. So even though Kiki had never seen a horse show, let alone been in one, this is what she did:
This is called a posting trot. She would be judged on how quiet she kept her hands, how tall and balanced she sat, if she kept her heels down, and if her legs were in the correct position close to the girth.
After walking and trotting around the arena several times, they were asked to come to the middle of the arena for the judges decision. They were 5 participants in Kiki's class. I had prepared her beforehand to just have fun, and not to worry if she got a ribbon or not. I said that since it was her first horse show, she should use it as a learning experience.
In case you couldn't make out what the judges said in that last video:
How cool is that?!?
Congratulations, Kiki!
KIKI!!!!! That is WAY COOL!!!! COngratulations...you were so beautiful riding your horse...so poised.
Unki Hal
Kiki please ask your mom to let you read the e-mail I sent you.
Love, Aunt Cece
Yay Kiki! Way to go!
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