"Where is my wallet?" I mumble as I shuffle through my purse. "Let me just get this out of the way." Plunk. Down goes the greasy 2 pound package on the counter. I'm already not cool enough to use this salon. Why not affirm it?
Flashback to this morning. I'm parceling out enough bacon to cook for breakfast, while having a conversation with 3 people at once. "Yes, circus class is tonight, no, I don't need the van today, and yes, youth group is this Friday and I can drive, and can I do Costco on the way home? Yes." Is it any wonder I neatly wrapped the bacon and placed in my purse stored beside the fridge, instead of opening the fridge and putting it where it belonged?
But I'm not going to explain all that to the bored-faced-perfectly-made-up-cool-person manning the salon cash register. I'll just take my bacon and be on my way. Leaving a lovely aroma behind me.
I kind of like to think I made a small difference in the lives of the next few people who visited that counter. Bacon has a homey comforting smell. QUITE unlike the persona of a beauty salon.
THAT was funny!! Reminds me of a story I heard Paul Newman tell of a woman in an ice-cream shop who got so flustered because she saw him that she put her ice-cream cone in her purse. She went looking for it and he told her it was in her purse!
hystrapo - hystrapo is falling downo
"niatord" -- What Georgie asks to wear to gymnastics class.
YOU KILL ME! That made for an incredible laugh! Thank you ... I needed to know I'm not the only one putting the craziest things in my purse ... I'm so glad I found you Missy! :-)
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