There's a bunch of sticks in our yard again.
But this time, instead of being chewed upon by Daisy they are being constructed upon by...
remember the guy who did our roof? Turns out, he does decks too.
This guy, here.
His name is Gino, and he's our friend.
Tristan took the opportunity to turn into a construction worker. Complete with hat and sunglasses.
It was serious work, moving radios around and such.
And Bob came along to help as well, because after all, it takes two to hammer in a nail.
Daddy would have loved to help, but he had more pressing matters to attend to.
Family in the corner.
Really, he's at the studio making a movie. So we can let his decklessness slide--this time.
WOW! So this is what my man is up to! Thx for the update ... and what a great family you have! Not only helpful, but creative when it comes to Strollers! Thx for pluggin my G's work too ... :-)
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