Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hollow Noggins

They all gathered round.

To scoop out the insides.

It was a tough job.

One you had to psych yourself up for.

But they all knew it would be worth it.

An eye? An eye.

Clean up was a snap.

What they gave life to.


Betsy said...

Is there an artist in the house?

Wow! Those look amazing!

mutsly - great dog's name

Betsy said...

Missy, the quote you have on your sidebar reminds me of this true story. My sister, Leslie, is very Jewish. She was sick a couple years ago and asked her friend to do some food shopping for her. After her friend looks over the list, she asks Leslie where she gets these foods from. Leslie says, "Leviticus". Her friend asks, "What's that? The corner deli?"

inoilig - great word but I got nothing...An oil rig is all I can come up with.

Missy said...

lllllllllll, that's hilarious Betsy!