Back again. We visited the local library on our vacation in the states and checked out 59 books. It felt good because in Canada, depending on the library, you may be limited to two on any given subject, and six children's books altogether. Canadian libraries are not affiliated either. So if you use one outside of your city you have to pay. Our's charges $70 for a year's membership.
In the States, Sawyer checked out every Skateboard book the library had, the whole section. Tristan watched the librarian process our books. "How much did it cost?" he asked me as she tore off the check-out list and handed it to me. Poor Canadianized child.
We saw a pet tarantula at the library. So of course the kids had to have the fake ones they saw at the Grocery store.
Tristan is afraid of spiders.
Sawyer is not.
He tries to make them pets.
He gets as close as he can to watch adults squish wayward, indoor spiders.
"Can I keep him?" he'll ask before the shoe falls.
Snickers and Coconut are glad we are home. The rabbits had to stay in their indoor cages while we were gone. Is that Coconut, or Marshmallow? I always get it wrong. An egregious offense to Kiki, who takes such loving care of them.
I attempt to bond, but on days when I feel lucky to get the laundry done-- Coconut/Marshmallow/Roger-- it's all the same to me.
It's Scooter's turn to be outside today. It must feel good to stretch his legs after two weeks in a garage cage.
Right Scooter? Scooter comes up to see you when you walk by. He's a good bunny.
He'll give those muddy paws a good washing before he goes to bed tonight. I never see his paws dirty.
Today we studied monocots and dicots in Science. This was the most interesting dicot we saw.
I couldn't help but feel like I should be teaching long division or possessive pronouns as we made our dicot chart though.
He can't name the state capitals in alphabetical order, but he can classify a weed.
I wonder if I'll regret this someday?
It's good to be back. Even though tomorrow I am going to the library and throw down $70 bucks to use it.
I REMEMBER why Tristan is so afraid of spiders.
Darling photos.
SWEEEEET rabbit that comes out to see you.
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