It was given to me as a gift from another mom. Ready to see it?
Actually, it is a Mom Coin for those stupefying moments when your head is stuffed full, stuffed to the brim with laundry and dinner and dilemmas like can I host a mother/daughter Spa Day when there are roofers on my roof? It's for those moments when you think you can't handle one more question and then your sweet child will ask you something like, "Can we go to the skateboard park after Theatre Class?" For these moments you need the Mom Coin. You don't have to think, you let the coin think for you and your brain gets a mini-spa treatment of it's own.
Well, that's before the kids found it. This morning they turned it into a Guessing Coin with questions like these:
Will I get married someday? (one of the boys asked this)
Did the kennel lady really walk Daisy, because she's so fat?
Will we go eat at a special restaurant?
Do ipods really cause cancer?
Will I ever get a horse at Bradley stables?
Will Tristan and Sawyer ever not be a booger beast anymore someday?
The answers would bring rowdy choruses of "YAY!" or disappointing groans of "NOOOOO!" depending on the outcome.
Here are just a few more:
Will I always be a cool ninja?
Will I get all the Webkinz I ever wanted?
Will I have a gazillion dollars?
Will I always be a skateboard guy that does tricks and be a race car player?
Will all my beautiful dreams come true?
Will SOME of my dreams come true?
Will at least one of my dreams come true?
I really want my birthday, will my birthday come today?
Will I ever be friends with Toby McGuire?
Will Greyson ever shut up?
Will I ever go to the skateboard park sometime?
Will I ever be a working man?
Here's what a yes answer elicited:
What's the best day of your life when you're 5 years old?
(name that movie)
And finally, here's the first question he asked.
It makes you wonder, but I promise we are trying to raise law abiding citizens.
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