He wasn't real excited about it.
But it turned out pretty good in the end.
Tristan's hair was always easy to cut. I'd just pick up each curl and snip it. This was his first professional style.
There go the curls!
He picked out a cool picture in a book and had the lady copy it.
He liked it in the end too.
Greyson was an old timer in the chair. His hair grows like dandelions and is about as poofy too.
Voila! It takes about 6 weeks and then he'll need another one.
We thought Daddy might be upset about the loss of Tristy's curls. But he liked it just fine. Hopefully the curls aren't gone forever.
What gorgeous kids you have! Specially when we can see their eyes ... LMBO! ~A
Oh ... and I see Daddy still have his curls ... ~A
Are you using a new camera? Your pictures are great! Tristan and Saywer could make a lot of money in commercials, but vain kids wouldn't be worth it.
WE love the haircuts - they all look so handsome.
grandma and grandpa
Seriously, what Darlene said. Put that Sawyer and all his amazing expressive faces to work and let him get RICH, but be like Shirley Temple's mom and don't let him get the idea he's any big deal and don't let him know he's getting to be the most popular face in commercials or that there are fan magazines dedicated to him, etc.
"bants" are just what they sound like -- trousers for flying rodents.
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