What do you think of when you see this sign?
What do you think of when you see this sign as you're tooling down the road at 60 mph?
Could it mean, "Watch out, this road will suddenly become a lake with ice too thin for a car"?
Could it mean, "This road breaks apart without warning" and shouldn't that read 'Road Closed'?
If you have to ponder a sign, I say it's failed in it's purpose. Ain't no time for ponderin' when you're doin' 60.
I've been pondering this particular sign ever since we moved here, since I pass it a lot.
This is the road it's on, incidentally, in case that helps the mystery.
It just keeps going straight like that for miles, with nary a lake or blasting zone in sight.
Let me know what you think it means....oh, I'm also taking submissions. Any thing that makes you say "That's Not a Good Sign." If we get enough, we can start our own blog.
Watch Out For Large Chunks of Glass That Can Pop Your Tires
malchips---that is my word verification but I can't think of any meaning. I just think it's funny
I love malchips! I think that word is for what they call the elephant treats at the zoo. They sneak needed nutrition into the malchips, since elephants usually reject supplements.
SO glad the city told us about the large chunks of glass!
What does it MEAN????? I can't IMAGINE what it means. It looks like the front tire has fallen beneath the road and the back end of the car has popped up into the air and. . . OH, CHOCOLATE SHELF!!!! I think it means if you go off the road there is thin ice in the ditches on the shoulders that could look like the shoulders are just solid ground with snow. But that's a HORRIBLE sign for that. There HAS to be a better way to tell you that there are water-filled, ice-covered ditches that may look like solid ground. But, wait. That doesn't work, because why would the ditches have water in them? Is that a common thing around there, to have little creeks running along the sides of the road? I'm SO CONFUSED. WHAT does that sign MEANNNNN!!!!?????
Syriefe - a city in Lebanon known chiefly for its date farms.
You have to think like a Quebecois road administrator to decifer this. It's really quite simple.
First, the car is not on the road, it's off the road (or in it depending upon your perception)--either case, you don't want your car to do this.
Second, under the car are little black bits shaped like broken ice -- viola - black ice.
Watch out for black ice.
If the black chunks were above the car, then it would mean, "Watch out for falling chunks of the overpass" which would be more helpful for Quebec drivers.
What this sign says to me is "You're going to fall through the road any minute now and end up in who knows where."
My word is "flexha" - what Italian bodybuilder trainers say - "flexha you muscles!"
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