Have the secret power to instantly bestow the perfect hairstyle on anyone you meet?

Have the power to jump over traffic in your car?

Please vote on the side bar-------->
I know there are many daunting decisions we all face in a day, so I thank you for your consideration.
LET THE RECORD SHOW: Did jumping traffic win? It's hard to tell between the comments and actual votes. So it's still a mystery.
well.. my vote depends wholly on where i am currently residing.
without hesitation, my kentucky vote is for hairstyle fixin'. clearly the mullet still reigns.
in california, however, traffic is atrocious. car-jumping would change my life.
ps: it was fun visiting with you guys at hayley's (delicious) rehearsal dinner! thanks for putting up with our tired little one!
I don't think there is a side bar to vote on .... but my vote is to JUMP baby JUMP!
Traffic in our little town is not bad, but after being in CA for a few weeks, I voted for jumping traffic! I think it's worse with each visit we make!
Thanks for your comment on my blog...I know it looks like a big hill, but it's not that big. Our property backs up to a golf course where there is a big hill for sledding. It's fun going out to "watch" the kids, but we haven't been doing that much with below zero temps.
I know you are in Canada, but where? And how long have you been there? Your kids are the cutest!
You guys are quick! I was going to get up early and put up the sidebar but I was too late. I like these votes better anyway.
I would vote for the hair fixin and apply it only to myself. That would save me MORE time and do me more good than a car with feet.
fiess - a quality of being ALMOST expert or sophisticated, but something is missing, like the letters here missing from the word "finesse".
Can I still reply? I would chose the hairstyle fixing. Think about how happy all those people stuck in traffic would be if they had perfect hair!
llllllllllll, that's the funniest answer I've heard!
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