A moment of clarity arises out of my gut wrenching flu-induced stupor and I answer a feeble but attempted enthusiastic 'yes!'
After I hear the door shut it only takes a few moments for me to realize I better go check to see what they put on. Or didn't put on.
It's -3 degrees, and this is how Tristan greets the frigid north. Notice the lack of head attire? Notice the lack of gloved hands?
Sawyer fared a little better by putting his hat on, but his coat is unzipped and he has no mittens!
I used to think it was an old wives tale that bundling up prevented a cold. But I think differently now after reading this. True, being in cold air does NOT give you a cold, it only brings to light viruses you are already carrying and gives them a fighting chance to win.
When I was little, I ran barefoot in the snow to my next door neighbor's house on Saturday mornings. It was Saturday, who needed shoes?
And up 'til now, I've been letting the kids dress pretty much how they felt comfortable in all kinds of weather. But considering the fact that kids are stupid*, I'm going to keep a pretty sharp eye out from now on.
So I can do this.....
And this. See what enthusiasm it generates? I remember, being a stupid kid is much more fun than being a swathed kid. They'll thank me when it's their turn to be the swather.
*and I say stupid in the kindest of ways. Weren't you stupid, when you were little? Ah, kidlife, the only time you can be genuinely, grandly stupid and rejoice in it.
It must be a fast flu. I hope so. Poorest tiny Meeps having the flu and getting up to get the kids properly attired.
"oblimbi" the state of having one or more numb extremities from having had pressure applied to certain nerves, usually during long periods of sitting or lying. "I think she tripped because she was in oblimbi after sitting on her leg during the whole movie."
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