"Save the castle! Kill the dragon!"
More screaming, fighting noises, clanging and clashing.
And then,
"Sawyer! You can't make gun noises. They didn't have guns back then!"
"Tchooo, tchoooo, tchoooo!" replies Sawyer, expertly aiming his gun. He doesn't care, or know, what they are scolding him for.
Sawyer may not be good at medieval sound effects, but I'll show you one thing he is very good at:
Getting his finger stuck. I had to work carefully to remove this wagon wheel, because it was poking the wound on his finger he got only the night before:
This was at bedtime, just after we'd sweetly and carefully tucked him away for the night. Why not get up and search the room in the darkness for the basketball pole? Why not stick your finger in it? It's better than laying in bed.
Did he get free?
Ten minutes later. A little sad, but none-the-worse for wear.
Oh, and what ever happened to the siege on the castle?
"Old Man Jenkins" came to save the day with his bountiful offering of anti-siege supplies: One loaf of bread, a bucket and ladle, milk jug, and 2 goblets. I wish life still worked out like that. Just around the corner is our own Old Man Jenkins with everything we need to get out of our current scrape. Wouldn't that be great? *
I might not be able to post until Christmas. We'll see how it works out at Grandma's House. If not, have a Merry Christmas! And an Old Man Jenkins New Year!
*Philippians 4:19 is how I really feel about that. In case you were wondering. Just in case you were.
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