Snow is fun. Snow is adventuresome and romantic and thrilling, but it has yet to appear in any significance. So the kids are relegated to muddy, soppy ground that sucks their boots into the sodden turf. In lieu of this they are creating inside games that make me cringe because they really belong outside, but, what can we do?
This is their latest invention: Launcho!

This is the launching position. My camera is bossing me and I lost the after shot of Greyson.

But here is the after shot of Tristan. You can go flying across the room and land precariously close to the fireplace....

Unless the launcher grabs your shirt.
"Launcho". Just the name reminds me SOOOOOO much of my kids and their games. Your kids are going to remember launcho for the rest of their lives and laugh about it often, even as they become adults.
"syndiess" and adjective -- the quality of a web blog's likeliness to be picked up for regular publication by a commercial outfit.
"Missy's blog is QUITE syndiess. I believe she'll have financial offers made for her work in the very near future."
Sorry, I meant to type "an adjective" not "and adjective" in that last post.
"typater" - obs. an early name for the "backspace-erase" key on electric typewriters.
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