Kiki-Greyson-Sawyer-Tristan, if you were here, you'd say, "Can we go outside and play?"
You'd go racing along this curvy yellow-brick-road path to the side of the building it leads to.
When you got there, Sawyer would find these jumping steps.
And Tristan would hide between these hedges and jump out at y'all.
Then you'd run around the back of the house and over to the other side yard to shoot through this portal.
Next you'd see these Tarzan vines and you'd dare each other to swing on them. Will they come crashing down?
If you looked just to the left, you'd see this perfect climbing branch. Just low enough to shimmy on up.
Around and about one of the outbuildings is this play fort.
With these dizzy makers. You'd go REALLY fast on these. Around and around and AROUND.
And at the very end, Kiki would look up and say, "Mom, look! A bird's nest!"
Where is that place?
"unize": unite and be nice under our new president.
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