There are two things going on in this picture to be taken note of. The first is how well versed my children are in thankfulness and appreciation.
Me: How about pancakes and bacon for breakfast?
Them: Noooooooo, We want Coffeecake! COFFEECAKE!
The second thing to take note of happens exactly 8 seconds later. I know this because that's exactly how long it takes my beleaguered camera batteries to reboot the flash. This is also how long
it takes for Sawyer to be devastated.
"Daisy is on the carpet!"
In the world of a 4 year old, this is a crisis. You see, there is no more room for the Lego world he plans to build, right were Daisy is lallygagging.
Normally he would just go over and banish her himself. But since chicken pox has struck, everything is a little bit harder.
poor sawyer. i know just how he felt :( you can see it coming from the first picture where he's staring at her :D
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