The unofficial diagnoses is that Nathan's tumor is what they thought it was...
juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma. It is a slow-growing non-malignant type of tumor. They won't have an official diagnoses until the whole team of doctors signs off on this. Most patients see success with slow, low-dose chemo. Since the tumor grew slowly and was there since birth, the only way to kill it is slowly. This low-dose chemo does not cause you to loose any hair, so that's a blessing. The treatments will be once a week for a whole year.
Nathan will have to go in for another surgery next week to place a shunt in his chest for administering the chemo.
Please pray for this surgery.
Pray that the tumor will shrink.
Pray that it will not grow back in 5-8 years like it does in some patients.
Pray for wisdom for the doctors and for the parents.
Nathan is in good spirits and HAPPY to be HOME!
juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma. It is a slow-growing non-malignant type of tumor. They won't have an official diagnoses until the whole team of doctors signs off on this. Most patients see success with slow, low-dose chemo. Since the tumor grew slowly and was there since birth, the only way to kill it is slowly. This low-dose chemo does not cause you to loose any hair, so that's a blessing. The treatments will be once a week for a whole year.
Nathan will have to go in for another surgery next week to place a shunt in his chest for administering the chemo.
Please pray for this surgery.
Pray that the tumor will shrink.
Pray that it will not grow back in 5-8 years like it does in some patients.
Pray for wisdom for the doctors and for the parents.
Nathan is in good spirits and HAPPY to be HOME!
We will continue to pray for Nathan and all the File family.
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