"Tristan's pants are in the sink."
Why is my husband informing me of anyone's pants? Why are anyone's pants in the sink?
And then it all becomes crystal clear:
"His frozen pants."
Ah. Tristan's frozen pants. Making their second appearance in our blog:
(See-"What Kids Hear")
Reason #11 why you should clean the utility sink no one ever sees.
Addendum: I really just heard this from the other room, my husband uttering yet another hard to register early morning phrase, "Clean up those eyeballs! ALL of them!"
ohhhh my word!! i love that last phrase... clean up those eyeballs! all of them!! :) i can ONLY imagine what sort of bally hoo was going on!!! :)
ps i also love how tristan's pants were frozen half inside out, half right side out. you really couldn't expect a kids alreay-worn-pants to be otherwise!
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