Thursday, March 27, 2008

Girls vs. Boys

Tonight at the dinner table Sawyer asked:
"Mom, if I was a girl could I sleep in Kiki's room, wif her?"
"Yes, you could."
"And I could play wif all her toys? Wif all of dem?"
"YES, you could play with all of them!"

These are the lovely toys that Sawyer is dying to play with and this is how they look in Kiki's room ALL of the time:

So invitingly set Up . Like a storefront.

The boys have a lot of cool toys too. This is how they've chosen to set them up:

And their favorites:


H said...

"And their favorites..." and then the picture -- that made me laugh

4HMom said...

"This is how they've chosen to set them up" and then the picture . . that made me laugh.