Sticks had an important role that night. You could use them to roast a marshmallow.....

Or five marshmallows.

You could use them to fish marshmallows out of the pond.

"Mom, I need a stick, where's the sticks?"
"Go look in the back, by the wood pile."
"Oh!" And off he runs.....

and comes running back...."I found it! I found a stick!"

"Look at my stick, Mom!"

"No, Cooper, NO, it's MY stick!"

"It's MYYYYYYYY stick!"

Cooper finally found something else to be interested in and Sawyer finally got the stick all to himself. Now it was time to put it to good use...

By whacking a brother.

And fishing for frogs.

Kiki had her own technique for frog hunting.

It did not require a stick. Only an eagle eye, and a willingness to get a little messy.

Out of 8 boys, who was the one to catch a frog...twelve frogs?

The tomboy!

Hey, there's another kind of soda.

It looks better than mine.

Mom, can I have that soda?
"No, that's someone else's drink, it has germs on it!"

Good enough.
Such a good time was had by all at this wonderful home. The kids ran themselves into exhaustion and the adults left tired and happy. Thanks to Gino and Alex!
We'll leave you with a "feat of wonderment"....

OOOOOOOOOOHHHH!! That looks like fun!
I loooooved having you here! You are welcome to come anytime! NExt time bring Trish and the family. I want to meet them. I hear about sooooo much fun stuff ya'll do!
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