Saturday, January 31, 2009

When All the Siblings Are Gone...

Sawyer is the only kid at home today, and he's milking it for all it's worth. Since his siblings all got to go to a sleep-over at the Velitchcov's house, Sawyer got a few treats of his own. A few.
"Would you like to go pick out a movie and get a treat at the treat store?" I ask.

"I know," he answers, " I can get two movies, and a game, and then go see a movie at the movie place, and get a treat there. That would be a good idea!"

"What about a pony, and a trampoline, and a pool?" I add.

He just looks up with a shy smile. Little munchkin. And now he's asking for help with something he confiscated from the freezer.

"What's that?" I ask him.

"It's the ice cream I said I was going to have, remember?" he says matter-of-factly.


Cherie said...

So, what movie/movies did he pick out? What a cutie!

Missy said...

A Star Wars cartoon and Little Red Riding Hood. We don't have regular tv so getting movies is a big deal in his economy.