I never questioned the rules to games we played as kids, but today, listening to my kids as we rode in the van, I was wondering....
"Yellow car!" they'd yell.
And then they got to hit someone.
"Why do you get to hit them?" I asked.
"Because you saw a yellow car and called it."
"What if they're not playing?" I asked again.
"They are."
I remember. By virtue of the fact that you hit them, they ARE playing. This could work well for us as adults. Here is my random rule game: The next time you are standing in line at the grocery store... No, standing in line anywhere, If someone coughs, you have to be the first one to yell "jinga-jinga" and then you get to be first in line. But you've got to be the first one to yell jinga-jinga, or it's not fair.
Doesn't this sound like a great game? If you can think of another one, please share.
"Yellow car!" they'd yell.
And then they got to hit someone.
"Why do you get to hit them?" I asked.
"Because you saw a yellow car and called it."
"What if they're not playing?" I asked again.
"They are."
I remember. By virtue of the fact that you hit them, they ARE playing. This could work well for us as adults. Here is my random rule game: The next time you are standing in line at the grocery store... No, standing in line anywhere, If someone coughs, you have to be the first one to yell "jinga-jinga" and then you get to be first in line. But you've got to be the first one to yell jinga-jinga, or it's not fair.
Doesn't this sound like a great game? If you can think of another one, please share.
Oh, and if anyone dares to counter with "no cuts!", you just send them here and I'll explain things to 'em. You have my full support.
hahahahaha. Hunter and I STILL play games like that. At any time (except Sundays) you may attempt to get the other person OUT. To get them out, simply swat their bum-bum three times, while saying the magic phrase 'Strike one, strike two, strike three...you're out'. If you succeed, eternal glory is yours. If the other person stops you, your shame is earned, and you have 'Walked in a run' for their team....oh, and if you ever happen to forget that it's Sunday and attempt to strike the other person out, you have walked in 100 million kazillion farillion runs for the other team, and you couldn't possibly ever have a chance of winning for the rest of your life...until Monday.
I just came to read Harrison's comment. Don't have time to think of one of my own. But I can't resist the word they gave me to verify: Housnest.
Housnest is an adjective describing the willingness to let someone into your home on a moment's notice, allowing you to see how they really live, even when the place is really messy or dirty. "I love her -- she is SOOOOO housnest. It makes me less ashamed of how messy MY house gets!"
How about when you're standing in line and you see a yellow car. Then, you hit the person standing in front of you as you yell, "Yellow car!" and you know they are playing because you hit them — They let you in front because they think you are crazy!
(Like Grandma Gloria)
LOL about Mom's version of the game.
Epfun is the delight someone in a crowded elevator experiences when, just before the doors close, 2 Extra People run up and squish in.
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