Friday, November 7, 2008

At School Today...

This was supposed to be a straight forward post about how the kids did in school today.
But as you will see, most of time we just don't have a straight forward family:

The junior highers did English in Greyson's room.
The boys did Bible in the kitchen....
Tristan did reading on the couch....
Sawyer barricaded himself in is own "house" to do the alphabet.

And Tristan earned his Cass The Cat Reading Award:
'I have read 10 Phonics Practice Readers' the certificate says.
"Look what it says Tristan!" I said as I pointed to the letters W-O-W, hoping to inspire him.
Tristan, thinking I wanted him to read it, began trying to sound out the word,
"who?" he guessed.
"Woe?" he guessed again.
"WOE?!" he said incredulously.
I guess the 10 Phonics Practice Readers he finished did not include that word.