Ever heard of Yigael Yadin?
All of the kids do the same History, but it can get to be over Tristan's head with questions like this:
Yigael Yadin, a famous (archaeologist, mathematician), uncovered evidence that proved Bar-Kokhba was more than a legend.
So, I read it out loud and let him do it orally.
Yesterday I was reading this question out loud for a Pretest:
In the First Jewish Revolt, the (Temple, Eiffel Tower) was destroyed by the Romans.
When Tristan tentatively offered "The Eiffel Tower?"
Kiki hopped in with her best Big Sister Voice and said, "Tristan! The Eiffel Tower is in NEW YORK."
The room fell silent for a moment, in homage to this profound knowledge their sister was privy to.
"No, it's in Paris", I corrected.
"Oh. I was thinking of the Empire State Tower, uh, Building."
Hearty laughter all around.
My favorite part of home schooling is the laughter.
"orimm" -- "Ah wisht ah had me one o' them ol' orimms an' thehmmins ta figger me out somma the ansers ta this hyere skewel-work!"
I thought the Eiffel Tower was in Las Vegas!
Thanks for the education!
frineci (pronounced: Phren-e-chi) - Your frineci on her backi, please scratchi.
I'm having trouble decoding mom's sentence.
Here, Hayley -- my sentence decoded: "I with I had an urim and thummin (mysterious objects mentioned in the OT) to figure out some of the answers to this school work."
More to Hayley: (Not that I think the urim and thummin worked that way, but "back woods" folk conceivably could think they could be used for that kind of magic.)
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