Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a Difference a Dad Makes...

Some loving friends gave us free tickets to go see Upper Canada Village, a real working village duplicating life from the 1860's.
If the pics seem better in quality, it's because Daddy had the camera. And if they seem less in keeping with charming children doing adventurous and funny things -- Daddy had the camera.
What is Tristan feeding?
Hundreds of ravenous and ugly fish of unknown origin. The kids probably could have done this all day, but there was MORE to see.....
Like cutting real logs at the Saw Mill...
And wroughting real iron at the blacksmith...
And making real chairs at the Furniture Makers....
And printing real notices at the Printers....
And petting real sheep at the Farmers....
And having a real meltdown at the sidewalk of "my shoes are too tight and they HURT"...
And petting a real team at the livery....
And grinding real grain at the Flour Mill....
And catching a real stage coach at the crossroads....
And lifting a real heavy chain at the ferry...
And having a wait-for-me burst of energy at "my shoes don't hurt so bad anymore" lane...
And swinging on real rope swings behind the schoolhouse....
And taking several family portraits, none of which convey the fathoms of joy we were feeling....
His shoes must still hurt.
What looks like an enthusiastic wave from Sawyer is really his appeal to be picked up because...
(crescennnndo!) his shoes still hurt.
We'll end with some token location shots for Todd's next movie...
Where the Green Water Flows...
On the Banks of Fun Creek...
The Historic Garden.


Harrison said...

looks like a TON of fun. man, just imagine if we still lived like that. I would be the one "wroughting" the iron. and whenever i came home and vika asked me how my day was, I'd say, "Same old, same old. Wrought some o' this, wrought some o' that. Seems all I ever do is wrought. But that's what a wroughter does, and I'll keep wroughting till my dying day."