Vote over there-------------------------------->
You gotta pick one, that's the rules.
Would you rather........
wear an ancient Polynesian tribal mask to every dental appointment.....
carry a stuffed pheasant whenever you shop for shoes?
Let the voting begin!
Yeah, the pheasant may pass for some new style of purse under my arm. I'd take the pheasant. Yeah. Pretty much. Thanks for asking. I hadn't thought of what I'd do if ever having to make that choice.
An Hbgansy is any member of the (nearly extinct) Hbgansa tribe of in South Africa.
I think it's interesting how we always choose some part of Africa for the origin of any word that sounds weird to us.
I wonder what words Africans think sound weird, and where African kids say that weird words originate from. It makes me laugh inside :D
"A 'snowplow' is a type of fruit eaten by people in American cities."
LOL to the comments. You people are funny! If I have a party will you come?
oxnyfmh is the sound a woman makes when she receives a precious stone that is NOT a diamond...
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