She had learned an important lesson, and wanted a visual aid to help jog her memory.
"Mom, can I have a ring on my finger, to help me remember to do what you told me?"
"That's a great idea, wait just a minute and I'll help you find one."
After sufficient scrummaging around in the jewelry drawer, no ring was found, but we did come up with a bracelet that suited the purpose.
A while later Kiki pointed out something she'd noticed:
"Mom, this bracelet says 'Anne Klein' on it. Who is she? Is Anne Klein a friend of yours?" She said this with a hint of disappointment, as if she was sad to discover her own mother was hording somebody else's spangles. And parceling them out as hand-me-downs.
Ah, Brandlessness, that stage before they KNOW. How much longer will it last? I'm hoping with homeschooling that Brandless Land will last a bit longer than normal. I'd be SO glad. I , myself, left Ralph Lauren and Dior behind when Baby Bjorn and Playmobil came along, so I have no idea what's 'in' today. Just yesterday I happened to be waiting for friends in a lululemon boutique. Yoga pants + tank= $190. Not kidding. People were buying these things, walking out with bags full of them. Did I use to do that?
I have to admit, (apart from THE NAME) there is a sense in which quality workmanship plays a part, so --to lululemon I say, congratulations, you have made it, people love you and I'm guessing there are great reasons why.
To Anne Klein-- I'm glad you're a stranger in my house.
p.s. Ms. Klein, if you've been missing your bracelet , now you know where it's been all these years.
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